Under the Operation Code named Shanti
-by B.S.Goraya
That Sant Bhinderanwale was caught alive
75% of the terrorist killings In Punjab was the handiwork of Intelligence Agencies.
Many of the avowed Khalistanis are/were the agents of Agencies
Successive Congress Govts. have pursued programmes to absorb Sikhs In the Hindu Mainstream.
Initially the Khalistan bogey was promoted by Congress when it was cornered by legitimate Akali Agitation.
Beant and Satwant killed lndira to prevent operation shanti.
Kanishaka downing was Indian Agencies work
Kari-Sari district Hoshiarpur killing was planned by Agencies under the supervision of KPS Gill himself.
Kale Kachhe wale Gang 'black underwear brigades' of 1990-91 was also Agencies plan.
‘Sikhs In History' is a revealing book written by a Sikh
named Sangat Singh who was a member of the policy planning Think Tank the Indian
Foreign office and a member of the Joint Intelligence Committee. Without ever
referring to any classified document to which he might had access, he has
revealed virtually everything quoting only the newspaper reports- thus saving
his skin as well.
'lthas 'ch Sikh' In print is the Punjabi version of the Sikhs
In History originally published In New York. It is a history which deals the
Sikhs right from the birth of Guru Nanak to present times. For the present we
have read only the part which deals with contemporary period for we believe
that the author who has been remained on very sensitive posts must have
disseminated some facts which are otherwise unknown.
While the historical works of Dr. Ganda Singh and Dr. Hari
Ram Gupta are a class apart, we place this book In the category of those
written by Khushwant Singh, Gopal Singh (Dardi) and J.S. Grewal. We know Maxist
Grewal's history is rather too brief and obviously suffers on account of the
idealogical defects, Dardi becomes biased In dealing the Independence era,
Khushwant is not adequately bold to present the Sikh cause objectively while
Sangat becomes unmatchable In accuracy and details especially In the post Independence
era. We however can not easily believe Sangat when he tells that most
Khalistani's are/were the agents of Congress(l).
The book says that lndira Gandhi pursued the policy of
Shankracharya and annihilated the Sikhs while Shankra had massacred Budhists.
lt says that lndira had planned to carry out a general massacre of the Sikhs In Nov. 84 under a military operation code named
'Operation Shanti" with a simultaneous military Invasion of Pakistan.
On Jawahar Lal Nehru the book quotes none but Mr. Nehru
himself that at heart he a staunch Brahmin. .
The book sees Khalistan movement a conspiracy of the Congress
governments of lndira and Rajiv so that they could persecute Sikhs-as'
secessionists. He goes to the extent that even Nehru and offered Khalistan to
Master Tara Singh In Sept. 47.
Quoting again from newspapers he contends how most of the so
called Khalistanis were the government of lndia's agents and how these agents
have been making formal declaration of Khalistan and wars with lndia. Dr. Sangat
Singh a Hungarian source to say on no occasion any nation has formally made a
declaration of war whenever it attacked or went Into conflict with another
Sangat Singh however maintains calculated silent on some of
the committed Khalistani organisation like Babbar Khalsa and Dam Dami Taksal
and leaders and militants like Subeg Singh, Amrik Singh, etc.. Despite Sant
Bhindrawale's martyrdom he has been portrayed with the colour of Congress's
agent, though In a subdued tone. To this end Sangat has quoted such sources
which suited him. He believes that Bhindrewale was Injured by the Infiltrators
who crawled from Golden Temple to Akal Takhat to persuade the Sant to surrender
and due to difference of opinion a short but bloody battle took place In which
the Sant was Injured while Gen Subeg was killed.
Sangat Singh quotes army officers that Bhindrawale did not
have God's name on his lips and that when he died at the hands of Army he uttered, 'Tell lndira
that she is the daughter of bitch." Sangat tells us that Bhindrawale spent
6 hours In the army captivity as the army waited for final orders from lndira
on his fate. "He was later tortured and died defiantly" writes
Sangat Singh perhaps forgets that a person who has choices
before him and prefers death to the other alternatives and gives his own witness
through his life is martyr In the real sense of the word and should never be
suspected. Bhindrawale what ever his means was devoted heart and soul to the
cause of Sikhism can't be suspected. We cannot rely on the army version which
was then too much provoked and In anguish the way they carried out killing of
un-armed Sikhs.
The book also reveals that the army had taken away precious
books and manuscripts In 125 bundles to cantonment and advises the Akalis that
they should take up the issue of their r.elease from the army custody.
From deep Insights Into his book, it appears Sangat is not a
man with sold out conscience. He is sincere and remains devoted to truth.
Through out the book we don't see any matter where Sangat has
tried to mutilate any of the Sikh tenets as is common with the present day
writers. One can easily feel the pain which he dears on the sad state of
affairs In his community. We can perhaps place this work In the class of those
of Sirdar Kapoor Singh, Dr. Ganda Singh Bhai Kahan Singh Nabha's et al.
Throughout In his book Sangat cautions the Sikhs that a deep rooted conspiracy
was on to absorb Sikhism Into the Hinduism and that the Brahmins had unleashed
their onslaught right from 16th century. He says the Brahmins played havoc by tempering with the Janamsakhi
of Guru Nanak, and such Brahminic overtones could be seen elsewhere In the Sikh
history books Including Suraj .Prakash of Bhai Santokh Singh.
Sangat Singh explains that Sikhism is yet to evolve some
alternative to the Brihminic policy of 'sam' 'dam' 'dand; 'bhed' i.e Chanakiya
niti of equality, concession, repression, and dissension. He says Ranjit
Singh's Khalsa Sarkar fell victim to the Brahmin Infiltration.
He claims that the Sikhs emerged as nation much before the
Marathas, Bengalis could do In the modern phase. Sangat sees Mahatma Gandhi as
a Hindu revivalist who showed critical lack of understanding of Sikhism and
Gandhi emitted total hostility to Sikhism and sought to undermine the Sikh
identity. Notwithstanding lndia was a great sub-continent of numerous nations
the Hindus proclaimed him as father of the nation much before Independence. All
this showed unwillingness on the part of Hindus to accommodate even the
Sangat Singh quotes Lord Wavell that the Congress policy
towards minorities during the freedom struggle was to deal with them
"through bribery blackmail, propaganda and if necessary, force."
Jinnah understood the Hindu game plan while the Sikhs did not.
He says Sikhs were not afforded patient hearing, their
dignity was attacked In 1982 during the Asian games and their destiny mutilated
In 1984. The whole book is written In this theme.
ln the first chapter of the book entitled, 'The Sikh
Problem'the author says that the Sikhism stands today at the same crossroads
where Budhism once stood at 9th century. He says Jainism was also similarly
once threatened but it managed to survive by trans forming itself so as to
remain encompassed within the framework of Hinduism. Budhism which has spread
far and wide could not compromise and was thus exterminated. Author says that
both Budhism and Sikhism are opposed to the Brahminical 'Varnasharma dharma' through the principles
of universal brotherhood and equality and are thus considered as subversive to
Author gives d graphic account how the Brahmins under the
leadership of Adi Shankracharya massacred Budhists and resorted to vandalism
everywhere demolishing Budhist monasteries and Sanghas. The Brahmins conspired
with Invading Hunas, and Muslims. Muslim learnt the art of demolition from the
It gives the story how the Sikhs were a third party atthe
time of Independence have now been reduced to a nonexistent role and how the
Congress leaders using the Hindu card has gradually pushed the Sikhs out of the
national mainstream which enabled lndira Gandhi to Iaunch her Sikh war.
On the other hands the Sikhs placed all their eggs In the
Congress basket without suspecting the Hindus and the trust was immediately
betrayed after Independence, and the Sikhs are paying the price of that trust.
Sikhs all over the world are apprehensive of the very existence of Sikhism In
lndia as vibrant faith. The Sikhs are facing Hobson's choice.
The book has further
such chapters as
2. Evolution of the Sikh Panth (1409- 1708),
3.Rise and Fall of Sikh Power- 1708-1849,
4. Search of ldentity 1849- 1925,
5. Sikhs and lndian lndependenc.e 1925-1947,
6.Under the Search for Place Under the Sun
6. Formative Phase 1947-1950,
7. Nehru's Negativism 1950-1964,
8. Achievement and Frustration (1964- 1975).
9.Facing Genocide 9.
9;lndira's Sikh war 1975-84,
10. Night's Long Knives- (1984-88)
11. Unrestrained State Terrorism- (1 e88-1 eee)
12. Future of the Sikhs.
ln this review we have dealt with only the following chapters
namely Nights of Long Knives (1984-1985) and the one on the future of the Sikhs
and will try to review rest of the parts subsequently.
Operation Shanti or Genocide of Sikhs
Sangat Singh writes lndira Gandhi Inherited an anti Sikh
legacy. She was a successor to Pundit Ganga Dhar Kaul Gangu
Brahimin who was given land grant irr 1716 AD when the persecution of Sikhs was
at its height. ln 1920 when Nehru was leaning towards revolutionaries, his
father Motilal persuaded him or-rather reminded him of the Gangu Brahimin
heritage. Later Nehru wrote, "Behind me lie some where In the
subconscious, racial memories, of hundreds or whatever the number may be, generations
of Brahmins. l cannot get rid of that past Inheritance. "As a Chanakiya
Brahmin he was opposed the Sikhs and so was Mahatma Gandhi who only a few days
before his death suggested Sikhs that they should cut their hair now and merge
In the mainstream of Hinduism and promised that he will see that Guru Nanak was
given the status of an avatar of Vishnu.
Sikhs led a peaceful struggle for Punjabi Suba which lndira
ultimately conceded not withstanding her fathers declaration that 'it would be
formed on my dead body'. During the Emergency despite harsh measures the Sikhs
could not be subdued. Their agitations were always peaceful. lndira found it
hard to beat the Sikhs. She succeeded In bringing a bit of violence In the Sikh
agitation In the early 80s.
lndira Initiated certain moves to push the Sikhs out of
national mainstream with a view to eventually create conditions In which they
could be exterminated , a la Budhism from the land of their birth. From her
book ' Eternal lndia' published In French In 1978 she removed references to the
Sikhs. Sikhism In lndia was passing phase and had no place In her Eternal
lndira thought like Shankrasharya and acted like Mir Mannu.
She nourished the 'mayanki' Sikhs like Giani Zail Singh, Darbara Singh, Buta
Singh etc. and the likes of Dr. Jagjit Singh Chohan. She launched
operation ‘Blue star’. She only shied
away from enacting what could have been a massacre of genocide proportions. On
Oct. 1, 1984 on protest march by Sikh community to liberate their gurudwaras
from occupation. She shied away from the glare of adverse publicity that the
attempt would evolve. She needed to make some dramatic move. as by that time
aura of gaining Hindu votes because of operation Blue Star had worn thin.
According to political pundits she had little chance of gaining an absolute
majority In the forthcoming elections that were slated at the end of 1984.
lndira drew a diabolical plan named Operation Shanti to carry
out general massacre of the Sikhs of genocidal proportions around Nov. I, when
the Sikhs would assemble In the gurudwaras for celebration of Guru Nanak's
birthday. According to plan large scale skirmishes virtually amounting to war
were to take place all along the lndia-Pakistan border. And it was to be given
out that the Sikhs have risen to revolt In Punjab, and joined hands with
Pakistani forces which had made considerable advances Into the lndian
(The author writes that some one close to R.K.Dhawan Speacial
Secretary PM office met the author
around Oct.22,1984 and said that War with Pakistan was around the corner and
could take place In the first week of Nov.84. The author got contours of
lndira's nefarious genocidal plan In second half of Nov.1984.)
The plan was discussed with certain army generals who advised
lndira against it. They advised that Nazis had used gas chambers to finish off the
Jews but had not been able to do so, and that her name would be clubbed with
Nazis. But she was unrelenting.
Beant Singh and Satwant Singh were motivated by highest
consideration of the good of the Panth. But for their timely action with
lndira's Sikh genocidal plan, Operation Shanti, getting through the Sikhs all
over lndia Including Punjab would have suffered immeasurable and Infinite
losses. What happened In Delhi and Hindi belt grievously hurting the Sikhs In
loss of 12000 to 20000 lives and billions of worth of property, was on a much
lesser scale than originally planned.
Final phase of lndira's Sikh war could have been more severe
had she been able to carry out her blizkreig planned around Nov.8. That would
have enabled her goons to commit genocide of the Sikhs with downright thoroughness.
Meanwhile, the plan to provoke hostilities with Pakistan had
leaked out to major International Intelligence agencies because even top
secrets In Prime Ministers secretariat were being sold fora song by personal staff
of P.M.'s Principal Secretary, P.C. Alexander. President Zia al Haq made
earnest attempts to ward off the war with lndia. He Instructed his Ambassador
In New Delhi, Humayun Khan, to convey directly
to lndira of his great concern in it" deteriorating lndia-Pak
relations, and suggest resumption of direct talks between the two.
Consequently, Humayun Khan, bypassing lndian Foreign Office, called on P.C.
Alexander on October 25, 1984 to convey his President's proposals for summit
level talks, without any preconditions.
lndira was not
receptive. ln view of her nefarious Sikh genocidal plan, she paid a sudden
visit to Kashmir on October 21, when, however, she got the omen of her imminent
death. Back In New Delhi, the following day, records Alexander, "she sent for
Gen. Vaidya and asked him In my presence about the preparedness of the lndian
army In J&K to meet any unexpected outbreak of trouble. General Vaidya
assured her that the army was very well prepared for any eventuality and there
was no danger of it being taken unawares
by the Pakistanis".
After General Vaidya's
departure; lndira asked Alexander to fully apprise Vice President, R.
Venkataraman of the developments In the Punjab and J&K, and remain in close
contact" with him for' lt would be helpful to keep him fully Informed of
all developments and get his views on them." Alexander records. 'l do not
know what prompted me and I met Venkataraman on October 30 and apprised him' of
Prime Minister's concerns and fears."
lndira wanted to Involve Vice President from that very stage as he was to be the acting President once
Operation Shanti was operative, and Incovenient Zail Singh was bumped off.
Significanlly, Zia ul Haq stated at lndira's funeral that it was with great
difficutty that he had been able to avert a war with lndia. His then No. 2,
Ghulam lshaq Khan, after demitting the office of President of Pakistan In July
1993, stated that lndira had planned to attack Pakistan but was shot dead some
ten days before the D Day. ,
The omen of her imminent death weighed on lndira for the rest
of her four days of life. That was uppermost In her mind when she spoke of her
violent death at the public meeting at Bhubaneshwar on October 29. Later In the
evening, she broached the subject with Orissa Governor, B.N. Pandey, at the
dinner table. The thought lingered on, as she returned to Delhi on October 30
night But unlike Aurangzeb who was remorseful at the burden of sin' he was
carrying, lndira, not being religious, was unrelenting.
Beant Singh, Sub-lnspector In lndira's security, got the contours
of lndira's Sikh genocidal plan from R.K. Dhawan, Special Assistant to Prime
Minister, and decided to act to thwart it. He commissioned Satwant Singh to
assist him.
On October 31, 1984, at 9.00 a.m. Beant Singh with his
service revolver shot lndira In the abdomen and pumped five bullets. ln less
than a minute, at his call, Satwant Singh emptied his automatic carbine In
lndira's abdomen region. Actually, one bullet In the head would have been
sufficient. But abdomen was chosen because, firstly, they had been assured that
she would not be wearing her bullet proof jacket, and secondly, they did not
want to hurt anyone else, which a shoot out at head might have entailed.
Beant Singh had cautioned Satwant Singh to ensure that his friend Dhawan, was
not hurt In the melee. After shooting lndira, both threw down their weapons. And, Beant Singh said,
"l have done what I had to do. You do what you want to do." ln
another six minutes, the forces behind the shootout had the two shot by Tarsem
Singh Jamwal and Ram Saran of the lndo- Tibetan Border Police (ITBP). Beant
Singh died immediately, while Satwant Singh managed to survive to face the
hangman's noose.
Dhawan while In All
lndia lnstitute of Medical Sciences where efforts were being made to
resuscitate lndira, rang Prime Minister's residence a number of times,
enquiring about Beant Singh and Satwant Singh. He must have been nervous at
Beant's disclosing of lndira's Sikh-genocidal plan. Operation Shanti, as the
motivating factor for his act.
Killings - Handiwork of Indian Intelligence Agencies
According to the book 'Sikhs In History' about 75% of the
terrorist Incidences that took place In the Punjab during the last decade was,
the handiwork of the security agencies the lntelligence Bureau and RAW and the
Police. ln their attempt to malign and isolate the Sikh secessionist and
extremists from (1) support of Punjabi Hindus, (2) Punjab Police (3) Sikh
masses (4) Akalis and ,.ralign the Sikhs In general In the oPin'on of lndian
masses and Internationally. lf the book is to be believed it is horrible to
imagine the extent of agencies stoop to what depth they can go deep and that
the human value is a word alien to them.
Kanishka the Air lndia's jumbo blew up on June 23, 1985 on
its flight from Toronto, off lrish coast killing all the 329 passengers was the
handiwork of the lndia's International spy agency RAW (Research and
lntelligence Wing)- So suspects the book quoting other International sources as
to how the lndian lntelligence Agencies had penetrated Into Canada. lt quotes
how the last minutes cancellation of journey by lndia's Consul General Surinder
Malik on Kanishka of his wife and daughter and similarly Sidharath Singh, Joint
Secretary In External Affairs, lndia, had also cancelled his seat and
cancellation by some more passengers who were closely linked with Mr. Malik.
ln 17th century one Guy Fawls had planned to blow the British
Parliament building with gun powder.
However Guy warned one of the M.Ps who happened to be his close relative, a day
before telling him not to attend the Parliament. Guy was ultimatelY found out
and hanged. The Book says Malik was just an Instrument. The mastermind laY
somewhere else In the Government of lndia.
On March 4, 1988, on Holi festival day, 34 person were killed
and 49 Injured from a mixed crowd of Hindus and Sikhs at Kari-Sari village of
district Hoshiarpur. lt was again the work of agencies and K.P.S Gill-Director
General Police himself oversaw the execution while camping at a nearby place.
The book has the same accusing finger pointing towards the agencies and the
Police In the following cases.
On February 11, 1990 a Powerful bomb was exploded at the
Police Training College Phillaur to show the bold face of terrorism.
Mann Dal M. P Jagdev Singh Khudian was also eliminated under
the similar conditions.
On April 4, 1990 40 People/ (Hindus) were killed at Batala
through a powerful bomb blast.
ln 1991 the Punjabi Public was harassed continuously for a
long time at the hands of 'black underwear brigades' (Kale Kachhe wale) which
operated almost everywhere In Puniab at night and propertY In crores was looted
by this brigade and many lives lost as at times the Public offered resistance
and the Brigade would simply liquidate such resistance. The book believes that
these too were the designs of Agencies.
19 Sikhs were killed at Makhu on Dec. 2, 1992 bY the forces
after the 'militants' killed 16 bus passengers.
Kulwant Singh Saini a
lawYer of Roparwbs killed on Jan 25, 1993 along with his wife and minor son.
The book also narrates
the Incidence where the Govt when it was to push through the bill on 59th
amendment to the Constitution imposing emergency In Punjab which meant total asphyxiation
of democratic values In the face of stiff r:esistance from the opposition. used
the services of states sponsored terrorists. A grenade was lobbed In CRPF camp
using Soviet built RPG launcher which was later identified some how as the one
which RAW itself had imported from Kabul. The controversial bill was then
passed the next In the end of March 1998.
On April 1, the state terrorists killed 37 people In Patti
and Taran Taran areas leaving mischievously the responsibility claim on
Khalistan Commando Force (KCF). The KCF denied its hand the verY next daY.
However the state terrorists wiped out 40 families In Amritsar and Gurdaspur
Slaughter of 38 Hindu bus passengers on July 1987 at Lalru In
Patiala district, on July 7, were killed 32 passengers Fatehabad and Haryana.
These again were the handiworks of the state terrorist groups to destabilize
the newly formed Lok Dal Govt In Haryana.
This view of the book gives credence to the rumours that In
the killing of 4-12-87 A.S. Brar, SSP-Patiala, and KRS Gill-SP (Hqrs) at NIS
Patiala during their morning stroll, hand of lndian Intelligence agency RAW was
Involved. There are rumours that Brar had ignored the advise of Intelligence
agency when it wanted that a particular terrorist who was Involved In the Khuda
bus killings be spared and Brar straightaway liquidated that killer.
To foment communal trouble there were attacks on the lives of
the leaders. R.L. Bhatia of Amritsar however was
fortunate to escape it while Choudhry Balbir Singh was not.
According to Dr. Sangant Singh the Khalistan movement was
launched by none else but the Government itself. lndira had plans to liquidate
the Sikhs but was failing to find any alibi for it. lf the Sikhs started some
secessionist movement that could provide her some handle. Most of the Khalistan
declarations were thus In line with the wishes of the Government and were
deliberatelY engineered. Sangat however In a
subdued note admits that there were some commitied secessionists as
Dr. Jagjit Singh Chouhan the self styled President of the
Khalistan is the product of lndira's policy who use to meet Indira Gandhi and
Giani Zail Singh before finally leaving for London. One may however differ with
the author when he brackets Ganga Singh Dhillon also In the same category In
which Chouhan has been placed. lt is felt the Congress Government might have
supported some action of the Khalistanis just to beat the Akalis or to pursue
their avowed policy but In this light every Khalistani can't be termed as the
agent of Congress.
The book also gives
episodes which otherwise have appeared In the newspapers. lt tells how Buta
Singh once arranged declaration of Khalistan from with In the precincts of Golden
Temple. The Union Government had decided to send police to the Golden Temple
complex. The Govt emissaries met Baba Joginder Singh president of United Akali
Dal father of Bhinderanwale and Baba Gurdev Singh Kaonke the acting head priest
of Akal Takhat and urged them to make the declaration of Khalistan on the
Vaisakhi day April 13, 1986 Both of them did not oblige the emissaries.
Here the World Sikh Organisation of Lt. Gen. Jaswant Singh
Bhullar's services proved again to be handy. Five parsons accordingly landed at
the complex on April 29, 1986, changed their pants and shirts to white chollas,
and round kesri turbans, untied their beards so that they looked like that of
Bhinderanwale's flowing beard. They distributed the paper 'declaration of
Khalistan's. The people said Khalistan has come Into being, Delhi is to be the
capital of Khalistan, In Khalistah the Hindus will have same rights as that of
Sikhs. lt further said that whole of lndia excluding Jammu & Kashmir was
the territory of Khalistan. After making the declaration the five members
changed their cloths to safari suits mixed up with the crowd and disappeared.
The very next day police entered Into the Comptex. Akali Da!
was bisected. Congress then came to the rescue of 'abandoned' Barnala to
further use him as a convenient tool. Just with a single declaration Congress
killed many a bird.
Reverting back to the story that finds mention In the book is
how Jaswant Singh Bhullar was despatched
to U.S.A. to form World Sikh Organisation. First Bhullar manoeuvred to obtain a
letter from Bhindrawale and Congress leader Tarlochan Singh Riasti oversaw
Bhullar's travel from Golden Tempte Amritsar to Delhi airport.
Purpose of flouting of Worrd Sikh Organisation was to provide
Government of lndia access to the Incidents as to what was happening at International
level on Sikh affairs and to help the Government In the International
disinformation campaign.
Also the formation of Council of Khalistan In USA with Gurmit
Singh Aulakh as president on Oct. '87 was nothing but reiteration of Khalistan
declaration of April29,1g8O. The author says, "The Government was seeking
to spread disinformation and misinformation surpassing Geobbles In the
These are a few of the cases of the Congressite Khalistanis
mentioned In the book.
The book similarly suspects Integrity of Bhai Manjit Singh,
brother of the slain leader of AISSF. lt suspects that his projection on the
centre stage of Sikh politics was again the handiwork of Intelligence agencies.
Harminder Singh Sandhu was liquidated to keep Manjit conveniently placed In the
Similarly the book mentions of the Gurbachan Singh Manochahal
who had close liaison with Buta Singh and was In the police custody many months
before he was killed to earn the prize.
ln the book name of Gurcharan Singh Tohra president SGPC also
appears In this context i.e. as a communist Infiltrator. interestingly Manjit
Singh Calcutta the trusted lieutenant of Tohra and highly recommended the book
as 'indeed very thought provoking' and a 'monumental work'. On Feb. 27, 1 996
Giani Baldev Singh -General Secretary of Kendri Sri Guru Singh Sabha issued a
circular to all the gurudwaras
recommending the purchase of the book. When Tohra knew of it he
immediately sacked the General Secretary without even summoning the meeting of
the executive. The Giani was expelled from the primary membership of the Sabha.
Tohra has since black listed the book for purchase any where.
This journalist feels that Sikh masses must acknowledge the
work of this great writer without further delay so that the services of this 66
year old scholar remain encouraged and acknowledged for future.
The state of affairs
In the Sikh Institution of SGPC is so pitiable that it is patronising the works
of anti-sikhism and anti-Sikh writers while writer like Dr. Sangat Singh are
black listed. Some times back SGPC had honoured Dr. Jaspal Singh the High
commissioner to Mazambique (Present VC of Punjabi University Patiala) who had
written a book challenging a basic Sikh tenet. His book was also purchased by
DSGMC -Delhi and perhaps the SGPC as well. His anti Sikhism thesis was also
approved at the Vishva Sikh Sammelan-1995 held under the aegis of SGPC. …Z
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