An exclusive interview with the Chief Minister of Punjab (May 1997)
-by Nonika Singh
Sardar Parkash Singh Badal today stands at?historic moment
with all winds blowing in ltis favour. He has got an unprecedented mojority in
the state assembly, with a badly mouled Congress party sitting in the
opposition, an amenable BJP which was not only his electoral ally but also sits
on the treasury benches along with his party, with Mr. I. K. Gujral, a great
Punjabi who is known for his sincerity and integrity: as the Prime Minister of
A. Surely it is a rare and fortuitous combination of
circumstances which has neither happened nor will happen again. And if now Mr. Badal
fails to resolve Punjab's outstanding Problems like territorial disputes,
river-water problems etc. which have caused unrest and bitterness and have
dissipated and drained Punjab’s constructive energy from time to time, he would
be classed as a monumental failure and the people of the state may perhaps
never forget it and forgive it. He has today emerged as the undisputed leader
of Punjab and has initiated the noble cause of bringing the two communities
together. He is gifted with rare innate wisdom, an uncanny insight into men and
matters and has learnt a lot from experience. And in the favourable weather
that surrounds us, there flashs the silver lining of hope but would it be followed
by a spell of refreshing showers which woud leave this land enriched and improved
or the?ain-laden clouds would drift away without giving the life-rejuvenating
This is the main
question today. NONIKA SINGH asks an array of pertinent and penetrating
questions and the Chief Minister answers them with disarming simplicity and d
the sincerity and sang-froid of a man who knows his job and is out to do it.
When the Akalis notched' up a victory way back on May
27,1995 at Gidderbaha a keenly contested bye election which had been translated
into a referendum of sorts many a poll pundit had prophesied the return of the
Akalis. And a year and a few months later the prediction proved to be only
unbelievably true. Even those who could foresee the Akalis knocking the doors
of power hadn't imagined a victory of this magnitude. On February 7, the
election results revealed that the Akal/BJP combine has romped home with a
massive mandate winning 93 seats in the 117 member assembly. The man who made
it all possible leading the Akalis out of ignominy to a position of great
prestige and power is indisputably and undeniably Parkash Singh Badal, who had
last tasted Power 17 years ago. A graduate of F C. College, Lahore, Badal hails
from the Malwa region of Punjab. His tryst with politics or more pertinently
Akali politics began four decades ago as a Sarpanch followed by several
Positions as Chairman of Block Samitis etc.
Today he wears the mantle of Chief
Ministership for the third time. Badal has not only been in and out of power
but also in and out of prisons a number of times. Without a twinge of regret he
reminisces about his period of struggle call of duty and avers, "Perhaps I
am the only politician who was jailed for such a Iong time, not for any crime
but for political reasons". Close insiders assess him as the
'quintessential public man', a full-time politician whose private face just
doesn't exist. Little wonder that during the interview not once, except when
vehemently defending the entry of his relatives into politics, does this man of
the masses-his affluent status notwithstanding-let his private self reveal. ln
a shrewd and farsighted political move by aligning with the BJP, Badal has
silenced the Hindu voter of Punjab who has all along viewed the Akali party
(ever since its inception in 1921) with suspicion. For the man in the street,
Badal epitomises harmony a man who has been able to control dissidents, quell
revolt and marginalize extreme factors. The confidence he inspires amongst
people can be gauged from this after the recent bomb explosion at Jalandhar,
when someone remarked that Akali hand was behind the violence, a devout die-hard
Hindu snarled back "Who would set fire to his own house ?” "But the
moot question is will Badal live up to the confidence reposed in him by the
Punjabis cutting across religion and caste lines?
" Will he be able to deliver or go down in history as a
man with a record number of incomplete tenures?
commentators opine Badal is a changed' man, more decisive, politically more
mature and very much in a hurry. His electoral promise to usher in an effective
administration like that of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was probably just a
vote-catching slogan, but his urge and desire to reach out to the people if
Sangat Darshans are any indicator is certainly genuine. Having learnt his
lessons from his political adversaries, who, he feels, committed harakiri by
distancing themselves away from Janta Janardhan, Badal is all set and
determined not only to last a full term but give Akalis an edge on others for
all times to come.
ln an exclusive
interview at his fortified residence (CM's house in Sector 2) whose doors, however,
are not closed to common man, he answers and parries a volley of questions with
political savvy and astute diplomacy. Some excerpts from the interview:
Q. Were you overwhelmed by the sweeping mandate?
A. No, it was always on the cards, crystal clear from the
word 'go'. In fact we expected to gain more seats as the disenchantment of the
people with the Congress rule or rather misrule was abselute.
Q. How are yau going to justify this mandate ?
A. By listening to and abiding by the will of the people.
Already we have given free power and irrigation to farmers, abolished house tax
and trying our utmost to remove irritants which stall industrial growth.
Besides we are building 12000 houses for Dalits with a budget of 60 crore,
wherea.s the earlier governnrent had spent only 1 crore. We shall also be
offering a 'shagan' of Rs. 5100 for the marriage of backward girls.
Q. But aren't these only populist measures ?
A. No, these are the genuine needs of the people. Farmers
are the backbone of our economy and no state can progress 'if its agricultural
sector lags behind.
Q. What about the drain on the exchequer, won't it make the
state economy heavily burdened and bring it to ruin?
A. On the contrary, the economy will get a boost. See if you
help and encourage hard-working people which all Punjabis are, they are capable
of creating real miracles.
Q. Do you have any concrete proposals to rejuvenate the
ailing education system especially in the'rural areas ?
A. yes, we plan to have at least one good quality school in
each block. Besides, we will ensure 100% enrolment of teachers and the other
Q. Don't you think it's a question of dedication rather than
A. (Smiles)Well dedication is a rare commodity in our
Q. At a point when corruption is rampant, don't you feel any
talk of a corruption-free regime is an elusive dream, a mirage.
A. Sure corruption has spread its tentacles far and wide but
we are committed to stem the rot. During the recent wine auction no underhand
or shady deal had taken place. Our government will not tolerate corruption and
book corrupt officials even if they are at the highest echelon of service.
Q. you are being accused of shielding Bikramjit Singh?
A. The case against Bikramjit is politically motivated. CBI
had already exonerated him.
Q. With the new development the centre what is your stand ?
A. To ensure that the congress stays out of power.
Q. lf the present government offers you certain sops in lieu
your party's support, would you accept the arrangement ?
A. No way. We are not in the potics of manipulation. We
believe healthy democratic functioning.
Q. Do you have any political aspirations. I mean, are you interested
for any position at the centre, if ally BJP comes to power ?
A. I am quite happy in my state, I will be out of 'sync at
the Centre.
Q. 'How significant are regional issues on your agenda and
how you intend to reconcile, your
differences with the
BJP which also in power in some of the feuding
states ?
A. Demands like Chandigarh, river water issues etc., figure
prominently on our scheme of things. We have no differences with the BJP, for
.BJP endorses the concept of autonomy. Moreover our demands are just."
Q. lf-you were granted. one wish what would you like to do
about Punjab?
A. Undo the damage done by previous government and by making Punjab touch
the zenith of development. I would like to make it model, an exemplary case which
other states could follow.
Q. How are you going to face .Sikh youth, languishing in jails
since it was you who .had given the call for Dharam yudh ?
A. Dharam yudh was a battle for justice not a religious war-cry. I am
responsible for those who fought on democratic lines but not answerable to the
misled youth who adopted the path of violence.
Q. It is being said that you had sent some Akali Jathas
during the Babri Masjid demolition. Do you agree ?
A. Never. lt's a fabrication .I respect all religions.
Q. There are about 300 Sant deras in Punjab following
ritualistic ways of worshipping which infact goes against the tenets of
Sikhism. Will you take any action ?
A. As the representative of a secular government I have no
business to interfere in religious matters. Religious bodies like SGPC, should
look into it and take necessary steps, if required.
Q. Are you a religious person yourself ?
A. 'Certainly. But
let's not confuse religion with communalism. The two are poles apart.
Q. What is your government's top priority ?
A. Good governance, rule of law, put succinctly all that a
well-run government is obliged to do. Q, your detractors dismiss your Sangat
darshans as yet another political gimmick. Any comments?
A. My critics can say what suits them. I am only concerned
about the people and their sufferings. I want to feel the pulse of the people.
Every family in Punjab has a problem. But thanks to red-tapeism and the
bureaucratic hurdles, they can't seek redressal at the available platforms. I
want to put an end to this.
Q. How does it feel to be the most powerful man in the state
A. I am a very humble man, just an instrument, a via-media
for them, to reach out to their real needs and aspirations.
Q. ls it then a case of 'Uneasy lies the head'?
A. No doubt it's a responsible job, entailing long hours of
work. Though I am not reveling in the glory of being the CM, it is extremely
gratifying that I am dispensing my duties to the best of my ability.
Q. Who is your political heir?
A. It's for the public to decide.
Q. Aren't you promoting your son and nephew for the job ?
A. (Fuming.) I didn't make them MPs and MLAs. My son fought
against the establishment and won when the Congress party was in power. So who
am I to promote them?
Q. But didn't they win because they are related to you ?
A. So what ? lf a
lawyer's son becomes a lawyer no one objects. When a doctor's son steps into
hiS shoes, no ruckus is raised, but when a politician's son enters political
arena, all hell breaks loose. My grandfather was in politics and so was my
father. My son and nephew are well-qualified and deserving candidates.
Q. you mean it's only logical ?
A. Nods his head.
Q. How long have you been married ?
A. (He is taken aback and retorts): How is that relevant ?
Q. I just want to know the kind of influence your wife had
in your life?
A. She has certainly helped me. (Goes back in time with a
nostalgic look and adds as an after-thought) After one month of our marriage I
was in jail.
Q. It's being rumoured that during the elections you were a
media favourite. But now the press has trained its guns on you. Do you agree?
A. Press is free to write whatever it feels strongly about.
I respect the press and believe in the freedom of expression.
Q. Are you wary of women journalists ?
A. How can I be ? In
life there is no escaping or denying women.
Q. Would you care to recount the most beautiful moment in
your life ?
A. Meeting you. (Just for a fleeting moment the guarded
visage slips as he laughs to his heart's content with the smile spread over his
face like some new sunshine). Floored by the reply, suddenly I have the key to
the enigma
A. lf this is the charm that works while wooing voters, the
mammoth verdict in his favour is hardly surprising.
G. S. Tohra-A force to reckon with in Sikh politics
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