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Bapu Asa Ram & Sikhs

Bapu Asa Ram & Sikhs

Whenever some Indian celebrity is trapped in some criminal activity, he would deliberately insult some Sikh tenet.  In return the Sikhs would raise a cry and he begins to get sympathy of the Indian people. Glaring examples of Indira Gandhi and Gurmit Ram Rahim of Sirsa are before us.  Because over the years the media has portrayed Sikhs as enimical to India.  It is increasing becoming difficult for Sikhs to harmonise with this kind of India. With every day gone the Sikhs are being used as dummies.
In the recent case of Bapu Asa Ram an extremely popular preacher of Hindus facing arrest for alleged rape of a teenager girl. Bapu's aide Neelam Dubey has insulted Sikhism on TV
In this case while the reaction of DSGPC is spontaneous the activity of often dormant, SGPC Amritsar seems some what conspiring. May be Asaram has managed it through BJP. After all I have a suspecting mind.

 Bapu often talks vulgar. I myself heard once saying, " Once a ma'm (the English woman) said Bapu you are hot." Bapu is now neck deep involved in a rape case. Since he is very popular among Hindus may be attempts are being made to save him. It is unlikely that he would be punished as a ordinary citizen is punished. In fact the 'Chanakiya Neeti' or Indian policy which in fact governs the India lays down such a discriminatory approach.
SGPC Officials lodging complaint against a deputy of Bapu Asaram

 Delhi Sikhs got an FIR registered against  Neelam

P.S.Badal with Asa Ram Bapu (old Photo)

J&K Sikhs protesting against Neelam

Delhi Sikhs protesting against Neelam 

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