All this did not mean
that the Punjabis on the cither side are not feeling the pangs of separation of
half a century. ln the March issue of Punjab Monitor we carried an interview of
a Swedish national who prophesized that there is bound to be free movement
between the two Punjabs. We surely are for the , unity of the Punjabis but
within the frame work of their respective constitutions of the two countries.
Lo and behold ! ln the middle of March there appeared an
lslamabad datelined news item on the TVs and newspapers 'that the former Prime Minister
of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto had alleged that the present Prime Minister Mr.
Nawaz Sharif had secret plans to form the ' Greater Punjab ' - in collision
with Khalistanis. She alleged that Nawaz was bent upon damaging the Pakistan
and that Nawaz might repeat 1971 when one wing of the Pakistan was clipped.
Mrs. Bhutto has already condemned the election of a Punjabi
as President of is reminded here that Prime Minister Nawaz and the
chief of the Pakistan army are already Punjabis.

Nawaz who defended his policy responding to the allegations
within 24 hours of their hurling said it was alleged that it was infact
Mrs.Bhutto herself who has created a situation like that of 1971. He alleged
that the Bangladesh people were in fact compelled to the recourse they took in
1971. He said, "Despite the 1970 elections the Bangla people were deprived
of their rule." He said it was all of a part of conspiracy.
Mr. Nawaz said that
similar conditions were created in Karachi before he took over. People of
Karachi were suppressed and murdered. So much so in 1995 alone at least 2000 'muhazirs'
(Migrants ) were troubled.
It is immensely
important that the positive move of any of the Pakistan PM is being deplored,
suspected and coloured in the blue of Khalistani colours.
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