Dr. S. S. Dosanjh
Boccacio the famous Italian writer once said, "This
world belongs to men but then men belong to women." lt is a well proven and well established fact
that men who seem to be rulers of the world are actually ruled even though
unconsciously sometimes ,by women.Manufacturers and their advertisers have
caught hold of this fact and they make use of female sex appeal to sell their
wares of every kind. Women models are shown in various poses and positions
sometimes curved like blade to cut and conquer the male heart. And to allure
him to buy any article. lt is seen sometimes even a worthless thing, with
hardly Any practical use, is sold quickly and in large quantities if it, is
recommended by a bewitching beauty in a dress which reveals more than it
conceals in a catchy advertisement. S.S. DOSANJ
in this article criticizes the exploitation of female sex-appeal by the manufacturers
to persuade men to buy their goods.

Before the industrial revolution when goods were produced on
demand and to meet the needs of local and known consumer advertising had a
title role to play. The industrial revolution resulted in mass production . Because of the
mass production and competition in the market it became imperative for the
producers to inform educate and persuade the consumers to buy their products.
lt could be for the producers to inform done through advertising only.
The growth of
advertising in India has been quite phenomenal in the last two decades. A large
number of advertising agencies have come up during this period. Today
advertising in itself has become an industry. Generally the advertiser prefers to
use the appeal that will be effective with the majority of his prospective
buyers. Some of the important appeals " used by advertisers are comfort,
fear, pleasure, appetite and sex. The last appeal has been widely used by the
advertisers to attract the attention of the people and to boost the sale of
their products. Basically, the idea behind employing the female models in
advertisements is to take advantage of the sex appeal for attracting the attention
of the potential buyers.

The use of sex appeal in advertisements is hardly new, what
is new is the intensity of such appeals and the increasing number and the
variety of products being marketed with sexual overtones. The advertisements
appearing in the print media with young women as models tend to convey that new
generation women, in plenty, are available for such a purpose. lt is not just
the products with direct utility to women which project this attitude but even articles
essentially for the use of men also make great use of this trend.
Advertisements for men’s products like suitings, shirtings, shaving blades,
aftershave lotions have consistently used women models as props hinting that a brand
conscious man can fave his pick of a beautiful womans recommendations. lt is
not uncommon to see a girl cuddling up suggestively to a man while he with emphasized
masculine arrogance, smokes a :particularly ""n3; launts a shirtin
g-suitings of r particular brand name.
The reasons for employing women as models in advertisements could
be to gain product recognition and to
promote sales. lt is believed that in a sex starved society like ours a significantly
greater number of brand names can be re called when a female model is depicted
in a charming pose in an advertisement. Sex illustrations can arouse such an
interest that the reader is forced to look at the product brand. lt fulfils the
primary function of advertisement which is, catching the attention of the
potential buyers.
ln a capitalist society individuals are reduced to a commodity.
People like products, serve a certain purpose and so have a certain price.
Women are worst hit by this approach. But now when it is faced with a staggering
economic crisis it has very subtly used women to sell its commodities. Their physical
charms have been exploited to the extreme.

There are surely other
ways also to attract attention.
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