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Maharaja Bhupinder Singh |
Some of Their Sexual Frolics, Fooleries and Fantasies
(From Diwan Germany Das’s work)
by B.S.Goraya
The rulers of the old princely states of India were given to dissipations and debaucheries on a scale perhaps unmatched anywhere in the history of the world. These autocrats with their unlimited powers over their subjects and vast superabundant wealth had reduced their people to helpless slaves and serfs. Neither any woman's honour could be safe under their lustful eyes, nor any man's head on his shoulders under their ferocious and fiery look.
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Maharaja Bhupinder Singh |
MR, B.S.Goraya gives a graphic, though a gruesome account of some of their strange orgies and indulgences which send a cold shudder down our spine.
A recent news report about a a Tantrik tamasha at a South
Delhi bungalow of a business tycoon,
besides raising many an eyebrow, has refreshed some of the ' memories of our
erstwhile Indian princes whose intrigues have been portrayed by Dewan Jermani
Das in his famous book "The Maharaja". One feels that as far as palace
orgies and intrigues are concerned the Indian big businessmen have claimed
complete inheritance in form and style from the princes. The orgies of these
new princes are going on as usual but what is' needed is some Jermani Das who
may tell us in his amusing way as to why Sneha Sinha prefers the car dicky to a
comfortable cushion seat of a luxury car. Come what may, the records of orgies
set by the Maharaja of patiala, His Highness Bhupinder Singh, are hard to beat.
The Maharaja translated the whole of the stone imagery of Khajuraho into
reality by having as many women in his harem as the number of days in a year.
Out of an army of 332, at the time of his death in 1938 only ten were recognized
maharanis while about half of them were ranis and the rest were only mistresses
and servants. But all of them were at the beck and call of the Maharaja who could
satisfy his sexual lust with any of them at any time of the day or night. There
would, however, be special sessions when a group would be there to help the
Maharaja to accomplish special feats in bed, high in the air or in water. The
Delhi business tycoon might have had his limitations but His Highness, Farzand-e-Khas,
Daulat-e-Engilishia, Mansur-e-zaman, Amir-ul-umra, Maharaja Dhiraj Rajeshwar,Shri
Maharaja-e-Rajagan, Sir Bhupinder Singh Mohinder Bahadur and so on, was such powerfully
'sovereign' under the British that he could take the life of any subject by a
bat of his eye or a swish of his hand. The Maharaja had a Vam Margi Tantrik, pundit
Prakash Nand Jha, to pursue his tantrik sex worships to pervert to his own purposes
i.e. managing a large horde of women which otherwise was not a simple matter.
The ferocious but calm looking Jha would conduct the
worship, clad in a leopard skin, with his face painted red, head shaved and sporting
only a tuft of long hair. He had erected a full-sized image of the goddess in
front of which the worship was conducted. The worship was attended by a
gathering of 150 - 400 members a majority of whom were young women, most of
them virgins. The maharanis and the other intelligent staff and officers were
excluded from such gatherings, though some favourite officers and aide-decamp
were invited to them. During the worship a bullock or some buffalo was beheaded
right in front of the image of the goddess and then cooked there. ln the middle
of the night when this collective worship was over, strong alcoholic mixtures
were served followed by an invitation to the virgins to come forward and strip -off
in front of the image of the goddess. Thereafter the Tantrik would invite some
men who were heavily intoxicated by hours of heavy drinking, to come forward
and pour liquor on the necks of the virgins till it reached the pubic region.
The Maharaja and the men would suck a few drops of the liquid which, according
to Jha, was the most purifying act. In full view they would then commence copulation
like we see dogs doing so in the streets. Blood from the virgins, who had been
deflowered by the sturdy men in the most devastating manner, would flow and mix
with the one from the slaughtered animal already under the feet of the virgins.
These beastly erotic deeds were not only confined to the Patiala house alone,
but almost all the rulers of Indian states excelled each other in doing so.
It is hard to imagine
a prime Minister presiding over a cabinet meeting while indulging in sex at the
same time. But the erstwhile prime Minister of Kapurthala State holds this
dubious distinction. Gulam Gilani, the PM, had devised a novel way to
accomplish both. He had earned the notorious reputation of taking unjust
decisions as he seldom participated in the court proceedings with dedication.
On one side heated discussions and arguments would take place, while on the other
hand, behind the curtain, he would be holding princess Gobind Kaur in his arms.
It was his standing instruction to the courtiers that his decision be always
treated as negative, unless he answered in the affirmative. When his dubious
deeds were exposed he was expelled under humiliating conditions while a strict
vigil was maintained over the movements of the princess. Once she gave a slip
to the security staff, when she was smuggled in the tonga chamber meant for
horses' fodder.
Later Gobind Kaur charmed an army officer and once, on being
spotted with him, the couple spent a cold December night in a well where after
they fled from the palace to spend the rest of their lives in utter poverty
where Gobind made dung cakes to make her both ends meet.
We also have the intrigues of the Nabha house. Maharaja Ripudaman
always used to hunt virgins only and after marriage he would abandon them in a
hopeless state and again start exploring new pastures. Once his eyes fell on Pritam
Kaur the highly educated daughter of an official. Offer of a marriage alliance
was made to her parents by the Maharaja. Pritam declined it Pritam's parents
tried to flee from the state but were captured along with their daughter and
put in jail. Ripudaman disguised as Buta, the criminal, got himself lodged in the
cell adjoining Pritam's. Then some snakes were thrown clandestinely in Pritam's
cell and as we often see in the Hindi movies, Buta came to the rescue of Pritam
and killed the snakes while the wailing Pritam clung to Buta and develop some
sort of love for her savior. Later the intimacy increased resulting in the
marriage with the prince. After some time he abandoned her also like a used
Sex is one thing but the most unusual feat was that of his highness,
the Nawab Sir Syed Mohammed Hamid Ali Khan of Rampur (U.P.) State who was also highly
decorated with English titles. The Nawab had a special weakness of sitting
continously for hours on the lavatory seat. Later with the help of the chief
architect he got a toilet seat constructed right in the court room in such a manner that he could keep sitting on
it for hours without being detected. Thus judgements were being delivered by
His Highness along with faeces and farts.
Of all the tales the most ridiculous is that of the royal
wedding of the bitch of Junagarh palace with a doggie from Mangalore State, which
was solemnized at the cost of more than a lac of rupees (in those days) to the
state exchequer. The Nawab of Junaghar himself received the Baraat (marriage
party) of 250 dogs as they alighted from the train from Mangalore. Roshanara,
the bitch, was profusely decorated with befitting wedding jewellary including a
pearl necklace worth lacs of Rupees.
How the Indian
princes had become so lethargic and pleasure loving lazy under the protection
of the British is best illustrated from the example of the Maharaja of Kapurthala
State. Once the Maharaja was invited to the Buckingham palace which he attended
in his official regalia, churidar pyjama and brocade achkan decorated with
diamonds, coronet in blue safaries tied over his turban and precious pearl
necklaces around his neck. He wore the historic belt and sword which was gifted
to his ancestors by Nadir Shah, the invader. He was cordially received by Lord
Chamberlain at the palace, who presented him to the King and the Queen. As the
night advanced, the Maharaja danced several times with the beautiful ladies in
gross violation of the etiquettes and took a few glasses of champagne and was quite
tipsy and amused. Before joining the Imperial Majesties for supper, which was
laid on several large tables on which precious golden and silver trophies and
valuable historic crockeries and precious cutlery in gold were placed, the
Maharaja felt the urge of using the toilet. As he was invited to this ball
alone and no official or minister accompanied him, he felt awkward in asking
any one there to help him to untie the chord or the 'nallah' of his pyjama or
trousers. The Maharaja had to request the private Secretary to the King that
somebody may be allowed inside. Lord Chamberlain granted special permission and
the chief attendant lnder Singh who was waiting outside in the car along with
his driver was hurried inside to the great relief of the Maharaja. Quite
obviously how could the Maharajas tie the turbans when they could not tie or
untie 'nallahs' or the chords of their trouser. The Maharajas went for
readymade turbans which were imported from Mysore. In the palace however there used
to be a person or two for this very purpose ie turban making.
And now one strange exception. The Maharaja of Alwar, with his
titles as Bharat Dharam Prahhakar Rai Rishi Haly sage of the Domain, His Highness
and Holyness Maharaja Jey Singh had a very pious image of himself in public,
who would not himself indulge in sex and was rather averse to women. The Maharaja
had got prepared a genealogical tree of Alwar family to prove that he was a
direct descendent of Surya the Sun and thereby of Lord Rama. Though himself a
woman hater he would enjoy the indulgence of others. His night orgies would commence
from the dinners which were attended by the maharanis, concubines, a few
selected ministers, officers, their wives and daughters. In these functions
however there would be no distinction between a Maharani and a concubine. It
was free-for-all and the ranks would temporarily be closed. A junior officer
could have in his arms the Maharani herself while a senior minister could play
with the daughter of an officer or minister. In the end they were free to take
the partners of their choice to a secluded place. However, the crafty Gazanfar Ali
Khan, the Revenue Minister who had the distinction of having been closely
associated with Muslim League and later became Pakistan's Ambassador to India
would participate alone in these orgies. The Maharaja had exonerated the
presence of his wife and daughter in view of Gazanfar's submission that he was
a true Muslim and cannot allow his wife and daughter to be present, before other
men, unveiled. However the Khan would look more colourful in his night
At this other
ministers once complained to the Maharaja that they were happily bringing their
women folk to the dinners but Khan would not do it while he enjoyed with their
wives and daughters. His Highness agreed to the submission of the ministers and
later Khan was ordered that in the next dinner he should ensure the presence of
his wife and he was allowed to go to Lahore to bring his wife. Worried at it,
he went to Delhi and consulted his friends Iike J.'N. Sahni. Ultimately Khan
hired a prostitute from Delhi to act as his wife. After extensive tutoring and
training in acting the prostitute was brought to Alwar and was received by the
Maharaja himself. Later a rousing dinner party was held in her' honour' where
she surprised and amused everybody and those who enjoyed the company of the
seasoned 'Mrs. Khan' cursed Khan in their hearts as to why he had kept the
right kind of lady away from these 'great', voluptuous dinners. When the
courtiers enioyed with 'Begum Khan', Khan had his night with a lady which had
hitherto remained cool and indifferent to him. The reports of Begum Khan pleased
the Maharaja so much that a sum of half a million rupees was gifted to her.
Khan was allowed to go to Calcutta and Bombay to buy jewellery and dresses for
the Begum' for future festivals and dinners. Khan was really now in a jam, for
any day somebody could recognise her and he would thus incur the wrath of the
Maharaia So he played another hoax. He sent a telegram from Calcutta that the Begum
had expired of a burst appendicitis and enjoyed another long leave while the
Maharaja and the other palace people sent telegrams of condolences.
May be it is the kings who took sex right into the Garbh
Grih of the temples A scene from a Mysore Temple
People want aphrodisiacs to enhance their strength in their
loins. Anything would do? Here a man is selling the oil of land lizard (Sana)
which has the dubious distinction of sharpening sexual powers.
This article is slanderous and has no merit whatsoever.
Sounds quite true
Hello there
So nice article you have been sharing. These kind of services are the most common and popular , that helps to the people to find the right one.
Thanks for sharing
Sounds very true. Lol. Sex was the best way as an entertainment in those days plus it gave immense pleasure.
Get a freaking life all of you. You need a job or need to occupy your mind in positive pursuits.
And all of you come from a Spiritual Country like India, where we learn to say positive, do positive, you are not following the teachings of great saints and religions of India. what have you done to make India better or spread the good things about India? but just put people down.
Its a fact most of maharajas were dacoits and exploiters with no sympathy for common man.Instead of fighting invaders like afghans mughals british they compromised by offering wealth. Rest of the wealth was put into these activities. Poor public.
I am not sure where you're getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. Thanks for magnificent information I was looking for this info for my mission. gmail log in
The facts in the article are true. I read Jermany Das book. Once incident not repieted is the one in which a king makes young girls sleep naked on the sides of the swimming pool with lighted candles in their vaginas and he would swim until the water splashed frim his swimming extinguished all the candles.
It is bullshit to say all indian maharajas were this. Just slanderous projection. Shame
Sounds like a author’s pervert fantasies
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