ਇੰਗਲੈਂਡ ਵਿਚ ਸੱਚ ਮੁੱਚ ਰੱਬ ਵਸਦਾ
by B.S.Goraya
· Our Master Guru Nanak
advised us that almighty God is not away from us. He is close to us but there
is a curtain of ego between us and Him. Here in England I feel the people are
comparatively less egoistic.
· While on way, these English people say hi
hallo to strangers. They give way to others but in turn expect that other
should say thanks. Yesterday I was with my host that on a turn we found another
vehicle was coming towards us. But when the other saw us he took his vehicle
back. We could pass. My host was busy talking to me. My host forgot say the
other motorist 'thanks'. At this the motorist cried, "you owe me a
thanks." My host felt very much ashamed.
Scene of a nursery class |
Scene of a nursery class |
When I requested the teacher to that I want a shot of your students. She politely refused. However Mrs. Fernie Linda allowed me to photograph her along with my child |
Mrs. Fernie Linda |
Another parent allowed me to take snap of her daughter. |
· Employees of the public service be it
teachers, hospital staff or police they volunteer to help you. While in our
India if you ask something from a nurse she would feel a big burden on her in
replying. As far the police is concerned we all know how much they help you.
These white people are very humble in public dealings.
· Religion advises us to live in present and
don't worry much about the future. But our character is on the contrary. We
always ignore our present worrying about the future. We always try to save
something for the 'uncertain future.' Here in UK that way people are poor. They
get weekly salaries and they finish money by Sunday. They don't save. Their
Govt takes their care. Education is free here and so is health services.
Every old person gets pension and so do
the pregnant ladies. Parents get children allowance.
· Because here the people are less egoistic as
a result of which there are fewer quarrels and fights. Yes the whites go mad
when they drink in the pubs. That is why the pubs here have wrestler type of
persons engaged to handle mad. In the morning often the drunkards find
themselves in the police lock ups.
· The population density of England is more
than Punjab, yet the Govt here promotes child birth. They have realised that
necessity is the mother of invention and if there are more mouths to eat ways
will be invented to find more food. Unfortunately our egoistic and hypocrite
scholars think themselves wiser than Guru Nanak who said, "God creates
food before a child is born."
Recently when the Akal Takhat Jathedar ordered every Sikh couple to have
4 babies our so called scholars hurled choices abuses on him.
· I had apprehensions that the English people
misunderstand the Sikhs as Muslims but I felt every Englishman is aware of the
separate identity of Sikhs. Yes I do feel those Sikhs who trim beards are
misunderstood as Muslims.
· Here the roads have duly separate tracks for
pedestrians and cyclists. It is my month now in England I am yet to see a broken
road here. Here the things are moving automatically with a well defined rule
that is why they don't need police. The people here are not in hurry. While in
India even the religion says that, "Hurry is the character of evil"
yet every body in India is in hurry. Think of the roads and building corners in
India. Every body spitting Paan every where. But here you can spit on the road
what to talk of urinating along the road side. You can't through a piece of
paper on the road. The man on your back will be prompt to complaint against
Slap a child is a distant thing you can't even scold him. Well you are at
liberty to love him as much as you can.
In nursery schools they have toys for the babies to play and bed as
· Here in the schools the feelings and
intelligence of a child is not suppressed rather it is given time to find
expression. Whereas we want that child should live according to our wishes. We
never endeavour to explore the child's mind. Here the child need not take big
bags to school. I have not seen any school bus here. Many children here use
skates type wheeler they call scooter.
· Sometimes back in Delhi, I found a slogan written on the bus, "Ask
for milk and we give it with sweets. Ask for Kashmir and we cut you in
on the
other hand here a discussion on TVs, radios
and newspapers is going on whether Scotland which is a province of UK
should be free from it or not. So much so there is going to be referendum on
Sept. 18 and people will vote whether Scotland should be free or remain with
UK. You can imagine how the British are tolerant to discuss it all. But can we
really discuss such a thing.
In fact Indians have born slavery for thousand
years and with the neo freedom the Hindu has become egoistic and jealous. He
wants every body under his thumb; be it a Kashmiri, a Naga, a Sikh or a Mezo.
He is ready to do so at the cost of keeping his people poor and uneducated.
Friends you should create some quality so that people voluntarily remain with
you instead you suppress others to accept your hegemony.
I feel sorry when I think how in Kashmir
thousands of people have been murdered simply because they want plebiscite
conducted whether they want to remain with India or not for which even a prime
minister of India promised in UNO some 60 years ago.
God bestow common sense to Indian people so that they fight poverty, unemployment and corruption rather than suppressing their fellow beings. I know
it is only possible if the India can attain transparent administration.
Remember your stick will not help you for
ever means with Atom Bombs you can't
keep others under your thumb. Had it
been possible USSR would not have collapsed. Have fear of God in your mind.
Don't teach chauvinism to the students. Remember even your own constitution
talks about democracy.
Guru Nanak's God lives there where there is no ego.
Guru Nanak's God lives there where there is no ego.
1 comment:
Very good understanding of how to live in modern times
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