by B.S.Goraya
Article in Punjabi- Khatris came from Persia-ਈਰਾਨ- ਖਤਰੀਆਂ ਦਾ ਮੂਲ ਅਸਥਾਨ
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Every caste, every community of India has some special
traits which distinguishes it from others in a number of ways. These qualities
and characteristics were developed and deepened as time passed and their
surroundings changed and they faced and
managed the exigencies of life. The Khatris too have long and remarkable
history and their social dynamics. They have their ancestry, the social roots
of which plunge back to a distant past.
They have given to this country its ruling class and some of its
outstanding people. The Khatris of Punjab have also played an important
role in the history of this state .
This article enumerates their various contributions to
different spheres of life. But one thing
that makes them unique and special is that all the Ten Masters of Sikhism, who
changed Punjab and its future destiny for all times, were born in this caste.
The Khatris also played an eminent role in making pioneering efforts in the
growth and development of Gurmukhi a script which was to achieve great distinction
of being the language of the holy Granth Sahib' The writer traces with great lucidity
the ups and downs that this caste has faced through the upheavals of time.
The Khatris are not only the I most beautiful and literate I
peopte of all the Indian castes, thev are among the richest being second only
to the Banias and the Jains. They were the first community to embrace Sikhism
and many of ihem were the first to renounce it but they have yet many more
firsts to their credit.

Sanskrit syllable 'ksha' is pronounced as 'kha'. Therefore
'raksha' becomes 'rakhia' 'kshama' khima and so on. Similarly the Kshatriya is
transformed to Khatri when it entered the Land of Five Rivers. Therefore unquestionably
'Khatri' is the Punjabi form of the Sanskrit word 'Kshatriya'. Philologically
'kshatriya' appears to be connected with the Sanskrit word 'Kshetra' 'dominion'
or 'country'. The Khatris claim Kshatriya origin for themselves and are made up
of at least three racial elements, Solar, Lunar and the Agni-kula or fire-race.
Although it is claimed sometimes that they are really the Rajput Thakurs but
"the Rajput characteristics of inflated pride, rigidity etc. are absent in
the Khatris". Believes the noted ethnologist Sir Denzil Ebbetson (1883
AD). Further, agriculture has never been their main occupation in sharp
contrast to the Kshatriyas of Hindustan. They were the money-lenders and shopkeepers
of Punjab and dominated the bureaucracy of this territory as well. Again the
Khatri 'gotra' or the sub-castes are different from that of the Rajputs and
also no inter-marriages take place between the Khatris and the Raiputs The two
other castes of Punjab namely the Aroras and Bhatias also claim the Kshatriya
oriqin for them selves. Their appearance and profession are also identical with
that of the Khatris. We would, therefore, for the purpose of this study club
these three castes into one common class of Khatris.
Of late intermarriages among these communities are also
becoming common. In appearance the
Khatris resemble their Jatt neighbours. It is likely that some of their tribes
entered Punjab from the West and the
present race of Khatris was evolved through social interaction with the locals.
One ethnologist, at least believes that the Khatris were a
ruling Buddhist clan which on the decline of Buddhism and during the process of
their assimilation and absorption into Hinduism claimed the Kshatriya status
for themselves. It is believed that Khatris ruled Punjab till the Muslims
invaded it, whereafter they accepted secondary positions like ministers,
revenue officers and generals under the Muslim rulers. Historians believe that
King Porus and Salwan too might have been Khatris. Being the gateway to India, Punjab has seen many an invasion and
has undergone several social and economic ups and downs' Khatris, the leading
community of Punjab, thus acclimatized and adjusted themselves and learnt to
bend before the fury of storms rather than to remain erect and break. They are
thus the most practical people. Unlike the other wealthy communities they not
only knonw how to amass wealth but also know how to enjoy it to the last rupee.
Community wise also they own more cars than any other Indian caste and know how to lead a rich and
luxurious life.
At the time of partition,
the Khatris left their homes, hearths and havelis in Pakistan and entered India
penniless. Delhites often remember how many of them who were tonga drivers,
vendors etc. in 1947 or who stayed in jhaupries (straw huts) camps are now
millionares of Delhi. A large chunk of Delhi and much of its wealth are now in
the hands of the Khatris. The Khatris are slowly climbing the political ladder to
regain their supremacy in the capital of India.
It is established by researches that the undivided Punjab,
west of river Satluj was the original home of the Khatris. According to
Ebbetson the Khatris were found in Peshawar and Afghanistan also, but were, as
a rule, confined to the position of humble traders and money lenders. "But
in that capacity',' he adds, "the Pathan seems to look at them as a kind
of a valuable animal, and the Pathan will often steal another man's Khatri, not
only for ransom, as is frequently done in the Frontier region but also as he
might steal a milch cow". Punjab was under the Greek rule for about two
centuries beginning from 190 BC. Thereafter, on several occasions in history,
it was a part of Central Asian empires, for example, the Kushan the
Achaemenian, the Arab, the Turkish and the Manghol. lt provided the Khatris
(otherwise also a mobile community) a golden opportunity to explore these
western regions. There are ample evidences which indicate the wide-spread
presence of Punjabi traders, specially in the areas beyond Punjab. A 16th
century bronze vessel found at Orsk in Southern Urals, and a fire temple cell
discovered in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, bears inscription dated 1714 AD
in Gurmukhi . The inscriptions beginning with Japuji records the names of the
Guru and the Khatri trader, a Sikh builder of the temple cell. The Khatris
presence in Afghanistan has been more than felt even till recently. ln 1831 the
Punjabi Maharaja signed a treaty with Shirja-ul-Mulk of Afghanistan on one of
the conditions that the comfort and the security of the Khatris in Kabul will
be ensured. However according to 1881 census the major cities with-the
concentration of Khatris were Multan, Lahore, Amritsar, Rawalpindi and Peshawar.
Today perhaps Delhi houses a larger number of Khatris than any other city.
At present less than
5% of the Khatris in India are Sikhs (Delhi
Tel. Directory). ln 1881 how ever the percentage of Bhapas-as the Sikh Khatris
are often referred to by the rural Sikhs, was 9. Around l7fi) AD almost the
whole of Khatri population had polarised around theteacfr ings of the Sikh
Masters except some who had already embraced islam. Interestingly the Khatris
were the first people to embrace Sikhism and were Its first preachers. Accordingly
no history of the Khatris would be complete if it is pursued in isolation to
Sikhism. Before the advent of Nanak, most of the Punjabis west of Cheneb had
become Muslims. Some of them still stood on the fringes from where they could
be swept away by the tidal wave of lslam. But for them the great ship of Nanak
arrived to take them to a safe haven. The Khatris were immediately swayed by
Nanak's revolutionary concept of one God who is omnipresent, omnipotent and
beyond time, space and matter. Free from rituals, Sikhism then was a much
simple religion. Had there been no Nanak the Khatris might have embraced lslam
as Khojas or prachas. Within about 50 years of Nanak's passing away many of
them became Namdharik Sikhs. The fact that all the Ten Gurus of the Sikhs came
from the Khatri caste might also have contributed to the influx of their Khatri
devotees into Sikhism. But the Gurus were very critical of this Khatri caste
and would condemn their ‘opportunistic approach'. In principal the Gurus were
highly critical of the very caste system in society. lt may however be clearly
understood that embracement of Sikhism from Hinduism and lslam was not
considered as conversion, though the Fifth Nanak had enunciated, "neither
we are Hindus nor Muslims" (G. Granth p.1 1 36).
'Warran' or the ballads of Bhai Gurdas Bhalla (1546-1637
AD), an acknowledged classic among the. Sikh scriptures, makes a detailed
mention of the early Sikhs and the Sikh missionaries. Incidentally in the
"Varran", are mentioned the names along with gotras of the Sikhs. A
surprise for the casual student of Sikh history, the Warran reveals that more
than 80% of the early Sikhs and Sikh missionaries came from the Khatri clan.
Gotras or the sub-castes appearing in the Warran are:
(Gotras of those other than the Khatri are in italics) :
Popat, Keer, Khera , Mirasi, Sehgal, Diddi, Ladhi, Ohri,
Uppal, Monga, Randhawa, Lohar, Julka,
Sahi, Deo; Bhandari, Nagauri, Mehta,
Bhalla, Passi, Sud, Sabharwal, Khatra, Khullar, Jhihgar, Jhanji, Soni, Vij, Dhir, Bhatt, Tiwari, Bhagat,
Chadha, Sekhri; Kapoor, Behl, ,Bhardwaj,
Ghai, Kohli, Kandra, Chhimba, Sanghar,
Dhillon, Langah, Chhajjal, Goel, pathak, Chandok, Puri, Marwah, Suri, Seth,
Beri, Sodhi, Handa, Talwar, Nanda, Tuli, Wadhawan, Ghumar, Ray, Malhan, Saniara,
Bhabra and Arora. Some of the places to which prominent missionaries
belong, as given in the Warran, are : Kashmir, Kabul, Sarhind, Kuruksheitra,
Fatehpur (Sikri), Agra, Sultanpur, Lahore, Gwalior, Ujjain, Burhanpur, Gujrat, Patna,
Praypg, Lukhnow, Jaunpur, Decca etc.
Thus 80% of the early Sikhs are from the Khatris while it
will be interesting to note that initially all the missionaries or the so
called masands were Khatris only. Not only "Warran", even all the
Chronicles written prior to 1850 AD give an impression that Sikhism was the
religion of the Khatris of the Punjab although it was becoming popular among
the Jatts of Punjab also. There are at least a dozen chronicles available in
Gurmukhi script which leave this impression that Gurmukhi script was
popularized by the Khatris also. With the passage of time almost all the Hindus
including Brahmins west of river Ravi became Sikhs. lt will be interesting to
note that not long ago i.e. till 1920's all the gurudwaras were managed by
Brahmins. They were ousted during the Akali Movement. The forefathers of the
present Governor of Punjab B.K.N. Chhibber and Bhai parmanand and Bhai Mahavir
were also Sikhs and they are successors of Bhai Sati Das and Bhai Mati Das
respectively who were assassinated by Aurangzeb along with Guru Tej Bahadur in
1675, AD.
Disgusted They Renounced it :
Khatris who were the pioneers in accepting, propagating and
thus nourishing Sikhism, incidentally became the first community to renounce it
as Sikhism was becoming more and more politicized and the latter Gurus were
often at daggers drawn with the state. As officers in the government and with
much of the business in their hands, the Khatris were thus intimately linked
with the state and any strain in the relationship between the state and the
faith was a source of embarrassment to them. On the other hand on each and
every succession in the guruship, except 'the selection of the Fifth and the
Ninth Gurus, the ignored sons of the Gurus would revolt and raise their
parallel gurudom Usually the rebel sect thus formed turned out to be pro-state
and the pro-government. Khatris would often extend their support to the rebel
In 1604 AD, however, another untoward incident occurred. Prince
Khusro rebelled against his father Emperor Jahangir ind while fleeing from his
father's army he called on Guru Arjun Dev-the Fifth Master and sought his
blessings. The Guru was later arrested, tortured and executed at Lahore.
Jahangir admits in his memoirs that he nurtured hatred for the Guru and was
looking for an appropriate moment to punish him. The Khusro episode provided
the Emperor with the necessary stick to beat the Guru. Incidentally, in those
days a Khatri named Chandu Shahi was a minister in Delhi and his daughter was
betrothed to the son of the Guru. Chandu severed the engagement. He not only
developed animosity towards the Guru but also encouraged the rebel Guru Prithia,
the son of the Fourth Guru who was ignored at the time of succession. So much
so, that even Amritsar; (now called the Golden Temple) passed into the hands of
the Pirthia sect called the 'Meena Sikhs and remained in its possession until
the advent of the Tenth Guru. Guru Hargobind the Sixth Master further
embarrassed the Khatris when he raised an army and fought and won battles
against the Mughals. This was disliked by the Khatris who felt that the Guru
should restrict himself to spiritualism only. Thus the number of the Meena sect
swelled. As the estrangement with the state kept mounting, the Khatris felt
more and more suffocated and their tension got aggravated.
The last of the
Gurus, Guru Gobind Singh, introduced changes of a far-reaching nature. He
abolished the Masands-the missionaries who collected offerings from the Sikhs
to pass them on to the Guru. The Masands had become corrupt with the passage of
time. He also abolished the system of Guruship and passed it on to the Khalsa
brotherhood, who was to be guided by Gurbani (ln persian Khalsa means 'directly
linked' and he made Sikhs the Khalsa to God). Further he gave Khalsa an
identity which was more martial than spiritualistic in nature. The Guru
increased his army and built forts. On the other hand, the changes introduced
by the Guru were being vehemently opposed by the Khatri traders and officers.
According to Rattan Singh, the author of 'Panth Prakash' (1840 AD), the Khatris
referred to the Guru as the 'marela one' i.e. the fighter Guru in a derogatory
According to Kavi
Senapati a court poet of Guru Gobind Singh; (Sri Gur Sobha : 1711AD) the
merchant 'Sikhs started opposing the Khalsa and questioned the new code, so
much so that at Delhi the shops of the Khalsa were forcibly closed for some
days until some working compromised was hammered out. "How could they keep
arms with them right under the nose of the government ?" they questioned.
Fall of Sarhind :
ln 1708 thre Guru
passed away in the Deccan succumbing to the injuries inflicted on him by a Pathan
hireling of the Governor of Sarhind. The Sikhs, led by Banda Bahadur,
thereafter attacked and plundered Sarhind. The perpetrators of many inhuman
atrocities were punished. Th,e whole of the Punjab"revolted and one after
the other, the Mughal bastions fell. Bahadur Shah, the successor to Aurangzeb,
was alarmed at the rebellion and ordered that the Sikhs be killed at sight. In
those days however everybody kept his hair intact, uncut and unshaved (See: India by Al-Biruni). To facilitate the identification
of the Khalsas the emperor ordered all the citizens to get hair-cuts and beards
shaved. The pronouncement was complied with immediately and thus the barbers
had a hay day. Earlier similar 'firmans' were also issued by Aurangzeb twice as
he felt that clean shaving means a step, towards 'Sunnat' or conversion. (Akhbar
–e- Durbar-e-Maula-The official records of the Mughal emperor). The Akhbar
records an interesting episode where a Kayasth feudal (Srivastva, Saxena,
Mathur etc.) from near Saharanpur made a mercy plea before the Emperor that he
might be spared as he was not a Khatri. Khatri officers in those days were under
the strict surveillance of the state.
Hunting of the Sikhs like wild animals commenced and the
Khalsa went into hiding. The period from 1710 to 1760 AD is considered a very
crucial era in the Sikh history when the persecution of the Sikhs was at its
peak. Rewards on Sikh heads were fixed. Cart-loads of the same were brought to
Lahore and Amritsar to raise pyramids of the severed heads at public places
scare away the rebels.
On the other hand
only a fraction of the Khatris had subscribed to the new code according to which
the Khalsa was strictly prohibited from shaving his head and beard. Officials
and shopkeepers among the Khatris had thus reluctantly complied with the new
royal promulgation and thus shaved their beards and had their hair cut. Only a
few Khatris who had become Khalsa went underground with their Jatt and Shudra
brothers and kept the torch of rebellion alightand burning.
During this critical period, a 'Khatri named Lakhpat Rai was
a military commander of the Lahore army. ln order to prove his faithfulness to
the Moghuls, he launched a reign of terror on the rebel Khalsa. Atteimpts to
persuade him to be mild towards his brothers were in vain. Lakhpat's brother
Jaspat was incidentally killed in a skirmish. Lakhpat became more furious that
he resolved to finish the Sikhs. During these days two famous Sikh carnages
took place where some 40,000 Sikhs were massacred.
Punjab was now cleared of the Sikhs, many of whom fled, to
the hills and Rajasthan. So during this turbulent period the Khatis made every
attempt to prove that they were not the Sikhs and we rather ordinary Hindus
because otherwise they knew they would lose both their possessions and their
lives too. On the other hand the Khatris encouraged the Dogra Brahmins,
descending down the hills, to sing 'jagrata' and tell the Puranic tales. But
the deep reverence for Nanak and his hymns still remained supreme in their
minds. During the short rule of the Sikhs lasting for about half a century the
Khatris looked after the administration of the Sikh state which was deeply
engaged in launching military expeditions. Almost the whole of the non-Muslim
population west of Satluj declared itself Sikh. In fact in those days Sikhism
was not treated as a religion different from Hinduism. Punjab was annexed by
the British in 1849 and the young Sikh emperor as well as the ruler of the
Kapurthala state was converted to Chritianity. Again there was an anti Sikh
wave. The British were maintaining a strict vigil over the Khalsa. The
fence-sitters immediately declared that they were the Hindus' ln the 1881
census the Sikh figure fell just to its half of the 185O-figures.
(Swami) Daya Nand on the other hand was attempting a
revolutionary reform in Hinduism but he received only a lukewarm response
wherever he in India. He visited Punjab,
used gurudwaras for propagating views and was given a rousing come. Shortly
thereafter he declared that Nanak's concept of all pervading God was not new
was rather already enshrined in Vedas. At this the Khatris felt relieved and
thronged the Samaj. Akali Gurudwara Movement made such a polarisation that
Khatris felt that a middle path no longer possible. The Akalis moved the idols
of the Hindu deities from the periphery of the Golden Temple. Ousted Khatris
and Brahmins constructed their own Temple in the form of Durgiana Mandir at
Amritsar. Thus the Khatris who nourished Sikhism in its infancy, renounced when
militant element in it became manifest. A business can’t afford tension with
the state.
Mehras: A famous Khatri family of Amritsar
Bhai Taru Singh,-whose scalp was removed and yet he laughed and
lived fore a number of days.
The severed heads of Skhs, raised on javelins, being carried by the Mughal soldiers
as trophies to get a prize.
Mr. B.K.N: Chhibbar, Governer Punjab He is one of the
descendents of Bhai Sati Das who was martyred along with Guru Tegh Bahadur in
1675 A.D.
A painting representing the famous martyrdom of Guru Arjun
Dev by Emperor Jahangir'. The Guru was severely tortured and here he is shown
sitting on a red-hot girdle.
Excellent! Very well written!
chandushah was khatri or brahmin ,this is a great confusion , can you give ref. From 'gurpartap suraj' to solve this mystery, and also can you admit that the today's mindset of jatts is actually a surgery done by 'dayanand'?
why most sikh consider chandu as brahmin instead of khatri or they mix up names of chandu with gangu ? , is this not true bhai mati dass ji and all diwans of guru sahib belong to brahmin moyals,and maharaja ranjit singh's genral Mahan singh mirpuri was also brahmin ?
can any body tell first sikh made by sh guru nanak dev ji was from which cast ?
Very interesting reading...thanks for sharing.
FYI, Clean shave is not Sunnat/Sunnah and cannot be considered a step towards conversion to Islam. If Aurangzeb thought that, he was wrong. Beard is encouraged in Sunnah/Sunnat.
The other thing mentioned here can easily be doubted, since Aurangzeb was far more strict emperor than his successors and if he sent "firmans' twice and nobody complied then how can his successor successfully do it? If anyone in Mughals could raise the pyramids of human heads, it was Aurangzeb. there was no Mughal emperor after him who could be match with Aurangzeb in terms of military power and effectiveness.
Atif Bhinder
Beautiful writen n true
everything is baseless... Sikhs don't belive in casteism at all clearly said by guru nanak dev ji... dat is y only guru nanak dev ji didn't wear d holy thread.... :) Wmk
It is interesting to read such historical perspective sometimes true and accurate and sometimes not so. However some people become abusive and perhaps this suits them and may be elevating them to a higher orbit, away from mortal humans and perhaps nearer to the glory of the sikh empire under Maharaja Ranjit Singh...
Aurangzeb was an outright extremist... intolerant bastard... mughals lost power since the time he ordered via wazir khan to brick wall the 2 shahebzades of Guru Gobind Singh ji...
Aurangzeb was an outright extremist... intolerant bastard... mughals lost power since the time he ordered via wazir khan to brick wall the 2 shahebzades of Guru Gobind Singh ji...
It is very demeaning to talk about the khatri community in such downword and illiterate way.
The khatri community is no doubt the most humble,literate community.
History os always painful both the sikh jatts and the khatris had losses from time to time.
Khatri are as punjabi as it gets.
So it would be better not to make it khatri vs sikh jatts because we are no different from each other , adding to your knowledge about thr khatri punajbis legacy it was khatri pubjabis who were forced on such mass scale during the partition and had to leave all our land,businesses everything behind and had to move from our birthplace to a new place.
But the community with the passage of time once again became rich and great.
It was khatri punjabis who played a major role in reviving the sikh population by making the eldest son in every family a sikh. So my dear brother we are the same . We are PUNJABIS.
And you are no one to talk about whether a caste or culture is downright although you are talking about khatris the culture of all the respective gurus.khatris respect the khalsa as well as the hinduism.
So next time think before you right something stupid about the
(Kshatriya) khatri caste as all the 10 gurus were born in this caste.we noirished and help taaise sikhism.
* we nourished and help raise sikhism.
Malhotra,Kapoor and Khanna are the Royalty families of the Khatris. They are the Dhai Ghar trinity, and usually they marry with each other people of their clan.
Dhai ghar families:Kapoor/Khanna/Malhotra
This three families married each other on Khatris clan:
Kapoor marry -> Malhotras and Khannas (not others Kapoor)
Khanna marry-> Malhotras and Kapoors (not other Khanna)
Malhotra marry-> Kapoors and Khannas (not other Malhotra)
They giving their daughters only to the other Dhai Ghar Khatris in marriage. But now they can marry with other Khatris families;Roshan,Tandon,Seth,Chopra..etc.
"Khatri Khatra Kare aur uttare alegría, Meethi meethi baat Kare aur kalåm se Maare Teer" �� beauties but dangerous..
Khatris r not coward,all ten gurus r khatri,harisingh nalwa&I other generals sipahis r khatri but they r not organised ,khatris & other castes of Punjab origin r now leaving because jatts capture Sikh dharm,gurudwaras,Punjab politics,khatris r 1 crore in all world,bhatias,soods & aroras also khatris
Sikhism from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh frowns upon discrimination by caste.Guru ki sangat can constitute of diciples of all background
Sikhs must there make a credible attempt to abide by the true precepts of Sikhism
why name Gurudwaras by blatantly caste ' sikh gurudwara ramgadya etc ..its a contradiction in itself
i implore fellow sikhs to put their orogin and family ties etc in the background if they must
otherwise please abandon these disrimination altogether
for a start stop gurudwaras names being known by caste
During british rule the rulers were wise to set up military regiments by the area in which they came from and insist sepoys names be followed by their village eg Tara Singh Dhunda Ludhiana Infantry etc
dhunda is the name of a village
sare iko ne chaye o khatri howe ja bhappa howe ja jatt ja ramgharia sanu lod hai empower krn di apni sikh community nu te asi apas ch kyu ldiye sare rab de bande ne
They have their origin in Pothohar Plateau, Pakistan Punjab. List of Khatri surnames:
Anand, Awal, Bachewal, Badhwar, Baijal, Bagga, Bajaj, Bakshi, Batta, Bedi, Behal (Behl), Bhalla, Bhola, Bhasin, Bhandari, Bhandula, Bindra, Birghi, Chadha, Chandok, Charan, Chona, Chopra, Choudhary,Chetal, Dhall, Dhawan, Dhingra, Dhir, Dua, Duggal, Dhupar, Dumra, Gambhir, Gandhi, Gandhoke, Gadok, Gadhiok, Ghai, Gujral, Gulati, Gulla, Handa, Jerath, Jairath, Jaggi, Jalota, Jolly, Kakkar (Kacker) ,Kapoor (Kapur), Katyal, Keer, Khanna, Kehar, Khosla, Khullar, Kohli, Koshal, Lala, Lamba, Loomba, Madhok, Mahendru, Maini, Malhotra, Malik, Mangal, Mankhand, Manraj, Mehra, Mehrotra, Midha, Monga, Nair(Nayyar), Nagpal, Nakra, Nayer, Nehra, Nijhawan, Nikhanj, Oberoi, Ohri, Parwanda, Passi, Phull, Phul, Phool, Puri, Rai, Rehan, Roshan, Sabharwal, Sablok, Sadana, Saggar (Sagar), Saggi, Sahi (Shahi), Sahni(Sawhney), Sami, Sarin (Sareen), Sarna, Sehgal (Sahgal), Sekhri, Sethi, Seth, Sial (Syal), Sibal, Sikka, Singh, Sobti, Sodhi, Sondhi, Soni, Suri, Talwar, Tandan (Tandon), Tehim, Tuli, Thapar, Trehan, Uberoi, Uppal, Vadehra, Vasudeva, Ved, Verma, Vig, Vij, Vinaik (Vinayak), Vohra, Wadhawan, Wahi (Wahie), Wassan(Wasan/Wason).
They ruled Punjab and now India with Narendra MODI ;)
If the Father of the Third Panth Khalsas Royal King Gobind Singh Ji never visited Harmandir Sahib, the Complex of Sikh Bhagtan, Bhai Ghanayia Ji and Nirmalle Santan Akal Takht of Brahmin Varn, both of them do not ply swords as Khalsas and hired Shiv Sena do, then why today these Satanic people with swords are entering the Sikh Temples of the Second Panth?
Also, women were not given Amrit. Mai Bhago Ji was not baptised. I have the answer in Deh Shiva Var Mohe............
Wake up and fanaticism will lead you to your deaths as during 1947 and 1984 when the terrorist Bhindranwala entered this Holiest of Holy in the world Complex with Guns.
Sikhs are twice-born people of SURTTI and not the once-born fanatics. Sikh is a Naadi Roop and not a Bindi Roop of the super bastard fanatic devils - John 8v44. First Satguru was Jesus and Nanak the Second and greatest of all.
There are Four Panths and Four Takhts to look after the affairs of the Four Varnas. In Kalyug, Shankar Varn of religious fanatics appears and this is the DamDami Taksaal, where the youngsters are brain-washed.
Why Ten Lights in Sikhism?
There were six Satgurus, the sons of Most High, who were not allowed to take the life of any and Four Sache Patshah, who were allowed to take life.
Sache Patshah Har Gobind Ji entered this Complex in the name of Har and in the name of Gobind; he constructed the Loh Garh Killah.
Think of it properly. Bhindranwala was neither a Sikh that instead of presenting the other cheek, he carried Guns and nor a Khalsa of Sache Patshah Gobind Singh Ji. Remember Sache Patshah Har Gobind Ji did not organise the Third Khalsa or the Fourth Nirmallae Santan but He Laid the Foundations of the two on Upkari basis. Royal King Gobind Singh, the very ROOP of Akal Purakh, then organised the PAR UPKARI Khalsas, the Fauj of Akal Purakh and Nirmallae Sant, the Apostles of Akal Purakh. Both of them are purely spiritual of the order of Melchizedik Sadhu. A Sadhu is never a married person but solitary. Miran Bhai and not Behan were also solitary. If the Khalsas were married people, then they would have kept the Begums of Ahmed Shah Abdali to themselves. The state of Kapurthalla was offered to TATT Khalsas but they refused to accept it and told the person to give it to the man looking after their horses. Khalsas rule over our hearts and not Land. Lala Banda Bahadur, a Sodhi Khatri was a Munnmukh Khalsa whilst the Forty Muktae was BaeMukh Khalsas. BaeMukh earned their forgiveness but not the Munnmukh. Chaudhry Ranjit Sandhu Brar was given the rule for 40 years and showed his devotion but in great Foolishness. Satguru Ram Dass Ji refused to accept Landed property for Harmandir Sahib, this Foolish Jatt allocated lands to Gurdwaras as well to breed greedy Mahant. Greedy Khatris enjoyed Gold plating to Harmandir Sahib making it a place of attraction than of learning as that of Bhagat Farid Ji in Faridkot.
Vaisakhi Celebration:-
I was reading an abstract from puratan rehat naamas that " who do not utter at least ten abusive word before even mentioning the name of Chandu shah khatri was considered a tankhayia or deandaar of gurughar ,Jo chandu shah nu ghat ton ghat das vaari laanat na paavae so tankhaiya ,so it was clear that chandu shah was a rich businesman possibly a banker who has his troops and his sons also fight with guru hargobind shahib but only his daughter-in-law was a sharadhalu of guru ghar that is why she inform guru ji by secret meeting in jail that tummaro my father in law plans you to put into the hide of a dead cow to abuse and impure you that is why guruji disappear in the river during bath ,animity with gurughar is not subjected to any particular caste even brother of guruji like prithichand and son of guruji ramrai was great enemy of of gurughar and sikhi so do not try do put funfa of bhamanvaad in every subject any radical thinking which great hate equals to bhamanvaad in this era and every ritual without love and respect of guru is karamkaand like akhandpath only for ceremonial occasion without giving respect to guru granth shahib equals to karamkand in present era like earlier it was vaidpath ,yagna,hom,rirituals or puja on birth ,marriage and death be gyani -hiñdu Anna ,Turku kaana dovan tae gyani (thinker)syana WG kwg f gur fateh parvaan karni
in 50 or 100 Years, Jatts would call all Ten Gurus Jatts. They are in complete control over sikhi.all castes including khatris are on fringes of sikhi,. IN FIGHTING khatris are not mindless fighters they are strategic fighters. They fight only when all the other routes to achieve peace are exhausted, but jatts?
Jatts Re low from kstriya khatri, ram ji king Raja of ayodhya and Raja vikramditaya kstriyA, thanks
Jatts Re low from kstriya khatri, ram ji king Raja of ayodhya and Raja vikramditaya kstriyA, thanks
All guru were kstriyA khatri guru govind singh was khAtri is thakur
All guru were kstriyA khatri guru govind singh was khAtri is thakur
many ksyriya khatri cross listed as thakur or kstriya rajpoots clans
abhishek vohra, khatris are not rajputs,thakurs
khatris has wars within themselves as who served mughals and who served khalsa panth although jatts are brainless people,they don't know what to do
Chibber are not Khatri’s but Punjabi Mohyal Brahmins who were warrior clans and produced most kings in Punjab like Shahis ( king Bhim Shahi).. you quoting them as khatri , check your facts before posting . Bhai Rati Das n magi das were both Mohyals. Khatri’s are some tribe migrated from Central Asia and Brahmins for the sake of paperwork gave them khatri name as Punjab had Mohyals as fighting g clan only, later Rajputs migrated n settled in Punjab . Most kings were from Mohyal and generals were Rajputs .
Khatris have a big problem that's they focus, too much, on their business and do not fuck people writing such articles. hrr jagah nafrat failao yhi kmai h tumhari.
Khatris are the fearless warriors of Punjab and entire India for that matter. From Porus, to Hari Singh Nalua, to producing 6 out of 20 Army Chiefs for the Indian Army, Khatris have carried Punjab in its militaristic endeavours. During the Sikh Empire, the army chief was a Khatri Sikh Hari Singh, we had Khatri misl leaders like Diwan Mulraj Chopra, Deva Singh Arora, Dewan Mohkam Chand, Diwan Mal Lal Chand. Khatris are phyiscally the largest and strongest people in South Asia (maybe even Asia for that matter), as Asias Strongest Man holder is MANOJ CHOPRA a Khatri. We love our Jat brothers too though, they are good little peasants.
All 10 Gurus are Khatris, you cannot deny the DNA, Guru Govind Singh has written Khatris as decedent's of God Ram. Every community has his good and bad days.
And those who are trying to defame Khatris are defaming 10 Sikh Gurus and many great Sikh warriors because they were Khatris, so no True Sikh or any Hindu can hate Khatris, those who hate khatris are probably a motivated Muslim or Christian or a Terrorist.
Khatris living at the western border of India which suffered form so many deadly invasions, Khatris who had to leave all their belongings in Pakistan during partition and come empty handed to India, Khatri King Porus who defeated Alixander, Khatris who resisted conversion, Khatris who rose and rose again after so many brutalities, mass killing, dislocation, attacks, migration,, Khatris are simply Greatest Warriors, Leaders, Fighters and race. Do not be jealous of Khatris learn from them to fight back against every adverse circumstances.
Khatri have always disrespected gurus. They will suffer and their pain will be unbearable to them in coming days. Already in canada usa, jatt are kicking them. Soon shudras of india will hard beat them, then they will realise the treachery they have shown to gurus and god. Then they will beg for their life, then great khalsa will save them but also punish them in the way shown in sikhism. It has to be seen in future whether they will be treated by khalsa like Wazir khan of sirhind or some other way
In my childhood, there were some khatri in my village, they were making jatt fools and charging heavily for the things like grocery n other essential requirements. They were even cheating children for small eatables in barter type trade of agriculture products. Then these petty shop keepers become little rich and shifted from villages to cities. Whereas jat moves to canada usa n australia. Now when jat are visiting punjab, these khatri calls them 'veer ji veerji' and cheating them by charging almost triple or four time more than original price. I met some such khatri shopkeepers, privately they say, 'these jats are earning in dollars in western countries but our canada is here, because we cheat them when they visit to punjab.
I also met some haryanvi jat brethren in delhi, they told me that these khatri are looting and suppressing them in haryana. They say that they can't understand there motive in sixties, when they opposed punjabi language. Even though, there mother tongue is haryanvi, they have forced hindi on them and almost removed haryanvi from haryana . Now, our haryanvi jat bretheren are facing double tyranny of both brahmin and khatri. Our sikh brothers in western countries should support our haryanvi jats brethren, because after all they left punjab due to tyranny of khatri and brahmin.
Jo ya bol raha khatri rajpoot tu sun rajpoot is kstriya martha is kstriya gorkhs is kstriya2 khatri is kstriya divide all these kstriya true sesrch .all khatri are kstriya but all are not rajpoot this kstriya sea is divide four clan of kstriya gorkha rajpoot martha dogra jo is hostory galt bol raha sun kstriya kon thy aaj thakur martha ki history khatri kha ha .beacause sea is divide 4 rivers jo isay galt bol raha history paro ,aaj gujar bi kstriya bolta ha .jatt bi .thakur martha ha toe kstriya
Jatts are not kstriya but punjab khatri is high bol raha .kyu ki khatri is kstriya big sea which break in 4 clans gorkha dogra rajpoot martha all kstriya
Khatri is orignal kstriya suryavansi kings are rajas .so raghav kstriya go in rajpoots ya toe mano phir raghav kstriya are today raghav rajpoot s they origan from kstriya khatri .and sesrch plz nepal khatri are gorkha kstriya search karo read history phir bolo bhai kings hi ksttiya thy chatri thy .porus was king .and priviraj was king so khatri s suno chauhan bi tumhare kstriya bhai hua na
Punjab meh mohyal bi thy warroir but khatri hi only kstriya rule in punjab guru govind singh was kstriya his senapati was rajpoot why they know both are brothers shivaji martha was kstriya hi har jagha name change ha bus .punjab ki suna guru gobind his top warrour of punjab porus was khatri puri clan great khatri king jisne sikander ko harya thy.khatri real kstriya raja thy .great warroir from mohyals are bhramins we reapect bharmins
We respect bhramins we obey bharmins are preist of kstriya
Beware, Khatris are the biggest snakes and satanic demons of Punjab. They are traitors by character and will manipulate and take advantage of the vulnerable. They will monopolize business and cheat you. If you grab them by the collar, they will piss their pants, close up shop and run away to another town and continue their evil ways. Ruthless but gutless.
Nothing magnificent about bhappe they are very cunning and greedy people with no conscience. They are very big cowards who hide in little clothing shops and dance like fuddus.
Khatris are undoubtedly the only true warrior tribe of Punjab, though Sainis and Kambojas are also good fighters. Their tall height, broad and robust physique and masculine presence speaks for itself, along with their worldly known good looks of course. Many other tribes such as shudras/jats are only known for doing silly bhangra and letting their sisters wear bikinis and dance in nightclubs. They are usually very dark and short in stature with skinny limbs. They are the joke of Punjab and are memed everywhere.
Khatris do not resemble their dark short skinny jat/shudra neightbours at all. Jats were described as submissive and easy to control by the British, whereas the Khatris were rebellious high testosterone warriors which even the Mughals and Afghans combined could not defeat
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